1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the nfld.me moderators.

  1. No hate speech. We have a zero-tolerance policy on hate speech. This includes slurs or any form of degrading, dehumanizing, or derisive speech based on characteristics such as race, heritage, disability, age, sex, sexual preference, gender, socio-economic status, or religion.
  2. No harassment or doxing. Treat any other users' known personally identifying information with respect.
  3. No content which is illegal in the countries of Canada or the United States of America. We are hosted on a US server and serve content to users in Canada. Content which violates law in either of these nations will be removed and offending users/instances will be limited or banned.
  4. Mastodon servers which break our rules will be banned from federating with nfld.me. It is possible to follow users on servers all around the world. The Federated Timeline also streams posts from other servers. Those which break our rules will be limited or blocked from communicating with us.
  5. Don' go postin' tings ya wouldn' want yer mudder ta see. In other words, be considerate of others when posting. Remember that your neighbours, family, and friends are here. Let's maintain a good sense of community.
  6. No spam. Excessive advertising or mass-marketing posts will be limited accordingly. Local business endorsement is allowed in moderation. This is not a marketplace, however.
  7. No impersonation of other individuals or entities. Those found to be representing themselves as another person or entity will be dealt with accordingly. Clearly indicate whether your account is a parody account.
  8. No pornography, gore, or obscenity. This is not the place to share that content. Please provide a content warning (CW button in post box) for material depicting non-pornographic nudity, violence, unsafe actions, and/or potentially disturbing media.
  9. Do not attack or abuse the host, and please report any found vulnerabilities or bugs to the instance admin.
  10. Please direct requests for site features to the Mastodon open-source project. While we may implement downstream changes specific to our instance as we see fit, we wish to maintain relative parity with the latest stable Mastodon release.
  11. Nobody under the age of 13 is permitted to use nfld.me. If you know your child aged 13 to 17 is using this service, please ensure they know how to use online social spaces safely.
  12. No intentionally false or misleading information. Please ensure any news you post is factual and from a reputable source. Intentionally reported misinformation (disinformation) will not be tolerated.